We don’t do it for the awards.
Our clients engage us in amazing projects, and we feel honored to play a role in supporting their missions. Some of this work has been recognized by marketing and communications peers as representing leading marketing and communications deliverables within our industry.
Davey Awards - Gold
Print Campaign Nonprofit
The Game Plan | Eradicate Hate Global Summit & United Nations
Davey Awards - Silver
Community EngagementCreative Advocacy Playbook | New Sun Rising, RiverWise, and Collaborative Craft
Davey Awards - Silver
Cause Marketing
EP Voices | Threshold Residential Services
Davey Awards - Silver
Individual Achievement-Creative Data PresentationBoom & Bust Data Storytelling Reports | Hunter Smith, New Sun Rising, and RiverWise
PRSA Awards - Finalist
Medium Form Content
US Polo Association
Davey Awards - Gold
Law & Legal ServicesPLSE Pardon Project Website
Davey Awards - Silver
General NonprofitThreshold Residential Services Website
Davey Awards - Silver
General Social GoodEradicate Hate Global Summit Branding
PR Daily - Finalist
Davey Awards - Silver
Brand IdentityMobilify Brand Guidelines
Davey Awards - Silver
General/Family Parenting Fund My Future Pittsburgh Campaign
Davey Awards - Silver
Corporate Social ResponsibilityNeighborhood Allies Impact Website
Davey Awards - Silver
Design & Print CollateralTri-COG Land Bank Annual Report
While honors are nice, we are fueled by collaborative and generative engagements with our clients and the amazing work that they do.

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TrailBlaze believes actions and opportunities that create equity are critical to developing a society without division. Vibrant communities develop more efficiently and sustainably when division is acknowledged and reduced. We offer this perspective in every project we do.